
 - Study Result 

May 17, 2024 9:10 PM

In the conversation, the user discusses their interest in using an AI-moderated voice interview tool as a novel approach to increase participation rates in surveys sent to their large subscriber base. The user, who is the founder of a company creating information products, believes that making surveys more fun and easier to participate in through voice instead of typing could lead to better engagement. They also express interest in the AI tool's ability to analyze data from surveys and the potential to capture audio testimonials with participant consent. Additionally, the user inquires about customizing the AI voice for the interviews, suggesting the use of various fun voices, including the possibility of cloning their own voice to increase the fun factor of the surveys. The AI responds by providing information on the capabilities and follow-up process of the tool, including sending detailed summaries with key insights, data points, and the inclusion of both transcript and audio responses from participants.


AI: Hi. I'm Amy, an AI researcher trying to understand your needs around your use of user call. How has your experience been so far? User: Um, I'm just getting started. AI: Great to hear you're just getting started. Can you share what initially interested you in using user calls AI moderated voice interview tool? User: Well, I think because of the novelty of it that if I were to use to replace, um, a typical survey that I might email to my large subscriber base I might have a better return on, um, people who actually participate in the survey, especially because it's a lot easier It's easier to talk rather than type. Um, so I feel like it would be, number 1, more fun for them. Number 2, Just easier. AI: Interesting. So you're looking for a way to increase participation in your surveys. And make the process more enjoyable for your subscribers. Can you tell me more about your role in the biggest challenges you face around gathering user insights, User: I'm the founder of a company that creates information products but I don't really have any challenges per se. Anytime I've ever, um, anytime I've ever sent out a survey, I've gotten pretty good results It's always been worth the effort. Um, but, again, the number you know, based on how large my subscriber base is, it's really only a small percentage of people who respond. I'm also thinking that user calls, since you're based in AI, would be able to, um, Uh, analyze the data from the surveys, which would be super helpful. AI: Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like you're seeking more engagement and efficient data analysis. Can you tell me about a specific recent experience where you felt the response rate or data analysis from your surveys could have been improved? User: Uh, no. Not really. What I'd like to know now is um, once we're done you and I are done chatting, um, what do you send as follow-up to Like, yeah. What do you what do I guess the person who is doing scheduling the interview. So for example, if I use this tool to send it out to my user base, Um, after the person completes the interview, what do I receive afterwards? From you. AI: Thanks for your question. After an interview is completed using user call's tool, you would typically receive a detailed summary of the conversation. Including key insights and data points extracted by the AI. This can help you quickly understand the trends and sentiments expressed by your users. Do you have any specific expectations or concerns about how this follow-up information is presented? User: No. But, um, I'm wondering, but I'm also thinking that this would be a great way to capture testimonials. Um, so is there Um, language or can you insert language ahead of the survey, um, or maybe after the survey where the person completing the survey grants permission for you to use their voice In in a audio audio testimonial. AI: That's a great idea. Using the tool to capture testimonials could be very effective. Typically, you can customize the introduction or conclusion of the interview to include consent language. This way, participants can grant permission for their voice to be used in audio testimonials, Does that address your need, or do you have any other concerns or questions about this process? User: Yeah. So when you send the follow-up, Of the responses from the participants in the survey do you also include their audio answers or just a transcript? AI: Good question. Usually, the follow-up includes both the transcript and the audio recordings of the responses. This allows you to review the participants' exact words and their tone, which can be useful for testimonials and deeper insights. Does having both the transcript and audio meet your needs? User: Yeah. But 1 last question. And that is can the AI voice be can I use a clone of my voice for the AI voice in the survey? AI: That's a valuable question. Some AI tools do offer voice cloning capabilities where you can use a clone of your own voice for the AI moderator. You would need to check if user call specifically supports this feature. Would having a clone of your voice as the AI moderator be beneficial for you? If so, in what ways? User: Well, I think just having a choice of voices in general would be great. Like, you know, it could be a lot of fun. You could have a voice that sounds like Alfred Hitchcock, or a voice that sounds like Donald Duck or you know, some sort of cartoon character. Think that would be cool. I think that also increase the fun factor Um, but I'm getting a little long winded now, so let's wrap it up. AI: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights. It was great to hear about your interest in making the experience more engaging for your users. If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out Have a great day.