
 - Study Result 

May 18, 2024 8:59 PM

An AI researcher named Amy engaged in a conversation with a user to understand their interest in using UserCall's AI moderated voice interview tool. The user was drawn to the tool after receiving an email and hoped it would help improve survey results. They shared their struggle with low survey participation rates despite trying multiple methods such as incentivizing, using QR codes, and distributing surveys in person. This lack of data prevented them from making informed improvements to their events. The user is interested in UserCall for its novel approach of using voice interaction, believing it might increase participation rates since it's a method others are not using. They are also curious about how UserCall would compile survey results, specifically wanting insights on attendees' opinions about events, speakers, and content.


AI: Hi. I'm Amy, an AI researcher trying to understand your needs around your use of UserCall. How has your experience been so far? User: I haven't really used it yet. AI: Thanks for letting me know. What initially drew you to consider using UserCall's AI moderated voice interview tool? User: In the email that I received, AI: Got it. What about the email caught your attention and made you consider the service? User: Getting better survey Results? AI: Understood. Can you tell me more about the challenges you're facing with your current survey results? User: Not enough people fill out surveys. AI: I see. Why do you think that is the case? User: They receive too many emails, and they ignore them. AI: That makes sense. Have you tried any other methods or tools increase survey participation? User: We've tried incentivizing people We've sent it via email. We've done a QR code. We've given the survey in person. To fill out with a pen and paper. Nothing seems to work. AI: It sounds like you've tried quite a few approaches. What frustrations or challenges did you encounter with these methods? User: Not getting enough of a percentage of the people filling out the surveys so we get good data from it. AI: I see that must be frustrating. What impact does the lack of sufficient survey data have on your worker decisions? User: Well, we don't know what to improve. Or or what we needed make better about our event. AI: That makes sense. Can you share an example of a recent event where you struggled to gather enough feedback? User: Yeah. We had a tech event with multiple speakers. And we wanted to know how people felt about the speakers, about the venue, about the content. We just didn't get enough results to give us accurate feedback. AI: Thank you for sharing that example. When you think about using user call, what do you hope it will help you achieve that other methods haven't? User: A higher percentage of survey results AI: Got it. Are there any specific features or aspects of user call that you think might help increase survey patient, User: A voice talking to people. AI: Interesting. Why do you think a voice interaction might be more effective than the other methods you've tried? User: Because nobody is doing it. AI: That's a unique perspective. Do you have any concerns or expectations about how user calls a, I moderated voice interviews would work in practice? User: I'm curious to know how you calculate or compile the results of the survey. AI: That's a great question. Are there specific types of insights or data you're hoping to get from the compiled results? User: Yeah. How people felt about the event, the speakers, the content.