
 - Study Result 

April 27, 2024 1:34 AM

The conversation revolves around the user's experience with an app called Squad focused on accountability and streak tracking. The user initially used Squad for an accountability week and valued features like a central location for tracking friends' goals and the reward system for motivation. However, the user expressed disappointment in the lack of new badges to earn after reaching milestones, affecting motivation. Additionally, the user highlighted bugs in the app, such as not checking in friends correctly, leading to a decrease in consistency and trust in the app's tracking. Overall, the user seeks ongoing recognition for their commitment beyond just badges and improvements in the app's reliability.


AI: Hi. I'm Amy, an AI researcher trying to understand your needs around your use of Squad. Has your experience been so far? User: Good. AI: I'm glad to hear that. Can you tell me a bit about why you initially decided to use Squad? What were you looking to achieve or solve by downloading the app? User: My Then wanted an accountability week. And the squad app provided that platform. AI: That sounds like a valuable use of the app. Can you share more about what specific aspects of Squad helped with accountability? How did it address or fall short of your expectations in that regard? User: I like how it provided a central location. To heat caps on friends. On what they were trying to do. I like the reward system. AI: It's interesting to hear User: I like the reward system in the back of the AI: great to hear It seems like the reward system is a significant factor you. Can you tell me more about a recent time when the reward system really motivated or made a difference in your accountability? What about it do you find most effective? User: I used to like how the rewards would give me a new batch every street. That I've reached but I seem to have run out of badges to reach and my streets are no longer being kept up with. AI: It sounds like you were highly motivated by earning badges for your streaks. But now that you've achieved them all, you're missing that sense of progression and recognition. Can you describe how not having new badges to earn has affected your motivation and use of Squad. Additionally, how important is it for you to have your streaks tracked and acknowledged by the app? User: I'm in a rhythm already where I don't know if I need new badges, but I do want This or at least to show up in the weekly reward system. AI: It seems like while new badges may not be crucial for you at this stage, having your ongoing commitment recognized in some way is still important. In what ways do you think the app could better acknowledge your continued use and streaks? How does the current weekly reward system make you feel when your efforts aren't reflected? User: Once I got past 70 straight days, the apps Stop. Letting me know that I was continuing the hittest 3 and on the weekly scoreboard, whatever it's called, it does not show that I have been checking in multiple days in a row to just AI: It sounds frustrating to not have your consistent efforts and dedicated But Continuous recognitions User: It is possible. AI: I understand how that could be disappointing. It seems like you'd like the app to continue recognizing and acknowledging your ongoing commitment. Even after reaching significant milestones. Are there any other ways you'd like to see the app support and motivate your continued use beyond just the badge system and weekly scoreboard? User: The app seems to have a number of bugs where it doesn't always Check you in. This has happened to a few friends of mine who have checked in, and then the app has not checked them in. In their weekly street system. AI: It must be frustrating to deal with inconsistencies in the app. Especially when it affects your streaks and the accountability aspect that you value. Can you tell me about a specific instance when you or a friend encountered this issue? How did it impact your motivation or trust in the app's ability to track your progress Accurately, User: Couple months ago, a friend of mine who had been hitting his goals for 60 days straight suddenly wasn't checked in even though he had done that day. He has not been as consistent AI: That sounds like a disheartening experience for your friend. It's concerning to hear that a technical issue had such a negative impact on his consistency. How did this incident affect your perception of the app and your own usage? Have you experienced similar issues yourself? And if so, how did you feel, and what did you do about it?