
 - Study Result 

May 11, 2024 2:01 AM

In the conversation, the AI, named Amy, seeks to understand the user's experiences and needs concerning their use or consideration of UserCall's AI moderated voice interview tool. The user expresses a desire to deeply understand the problems of their users but faces challenges with the time-consuming process of recruiting and analyzing user feedback. Recruiting issues highlighted include the difficulty of reaching prospects who are not yet customers, primarily due to low response rates from cold outreach efforts, which significantly hinders the ability to gather user insights. As the conversation wraps up, the user signals a desire to end the interview, and Amy offers future assistance if needed.


AI: Hi. I'm Amy, an AI researcher trying to understand your needs around your use of user call. How has your experience been so far? User: I haven't had an experience so far. AI: Got it. You tell me what led you to consider using UserCall's AI moderated voice interview tool? What are you hoping to achieve with it? User: I wanna build a deep understanding of my users' problems. AI: That's great to hear. Can you tell me about any challenges you've encountered when trying to understand your users' problems in the past? User: Yeah. It takes a long time. Recruiting is hard. Takes a long time to analyze and synthesize results. Lots of problems. AI: I see. It sounds like the process of understanding your users' problems quite time consuming and resource intensive for you. Can you walk me through a recent experience you had while trying to recruit and analyze user feedback? User: Do you wanna hear about recruiting, or do you wanna hear about analyzing? AI: Let's start with recruiting. What are some specific challenges you faced when recruiting users for feedback? User: Well, if I'm recruiting people that are not customers in mind It's it's, like, difficult to get a hold of prospects Um, like, you know, I have to send a whole bunch of cold outreach emails to people, and it takes a long time. AI: I understand. It can be quite challenging to reach out to prospects who are not already customers. Can you tell me more about the specific challenges you face when reaching out to these prospects? What makes it difficult to get a hold of them? User: Uh, I don't know. I think it's just because they're busy. And so I end up doing most of my cold outreach with email, and then I only hear back from a very small percentage of them. AI: I see. It sounds like the low response rate is a major challenge for you. Can you walk me through how this low response rate impacts your ability to gather valuable insights from these Prospects. User: I mean, if nobody responds, then I obviously can't collect any feedback from them. That's sort of obvious. AI: Absolutely. The lack of response makes it difficult to gather the insights you need. How Does this impact your ability to understand your users' needs and problems effectively? User: If you can't talk to users, you can't understand their needs. AI: That's a straightforward way to put it. Not being able to talk to users definitely hinders your understanding of their needs. Can you share a specific instance where this lack of communication resulted in a significant challenge for you or your team? User: Um, I I wanna wrap up this interview now. Can you show me what happens next? AI: Of course, if you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Goodbye for now. User: Bye bye. AI: Goodbye.